Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Great Weight Hate

20141125 Well, I've gained back so much weight that weigh 200 lbs. The enemy of my weight loss attempts has been headaches caused by constipation. I'm not sure what is causing the constipation, but I know that if I keep eating high bran wheat fiber and drink a lot of water, the constipation stops, then the headaches stop, then I diet and workout a lot better.
I'm going on vacation for 5 weeks. When I get back, I'll design a procedure that's comprehensive; everything I'll consume or do for every moment of every day.
Also, I'll need to constantly pray to keep my mind on the prize; I'll study and memorize Dr. Tony Evans' lessons on fasting, then fast for me to gain greater sensitivity to the Holy Ghost's communications, then pray from my heart constantly.
I feel reluctant to fast to provoke God to act since it seems rude to assume that God isn't always doing exactly what He should be. However, Dr. Evans points out that one reason to fast is for the faster to reduce comfort from the world in order to gain sensitivity to the Holy Ghost's comforting. For t h at reason alone, I'm ready to fire it up. He adds, however, that one can provoke God to act by fasting as well. I think he's saying that God is holding back,  waiting for us to fast. I'll have to hear it again.
20170928 About 5 months ago I lost 90 lbs. By water fasting. I would drink lots of water and coffee, but no calories for 4 months. After I reached 125 lbs., I stopped fasting. I've since gained back 40 lbs. and am staying there at 145 lbs. I'll fast back to 125 lbs., then try to stay there again.