Monday, February 25, 2013

Bill Gates is the Antichrist

1. The problem that I'm addressing
2. How we got that way
3. How to fix it

I believe in the Bible.

The Bible says that there will be an Antichrist that will lead the world away from God.

It seems like it will be difficult for the Antichrist to do that with the Bible exposing him. I think we're all looking for something that would be easily recognizable, like a fellow saying such things as "Don't follow God. Follow me." Yet, he can accomplish the same thing in a much more covert way by leading people to have faith in anything other than God.

That can start with showing us how having faith in God doesn't work. And that can start with telling us false ideas of what to expect from God. One false idea is for us to pray by telling God what to do. The concept seems insulting to God, in my opinion. It assumes God isn't always doing exactly what's best. It's as though we're assuming He's asleep, and we'll need to wake Him up and get Him to get busy. I think He's always doing exactly what's best, and that praying helps us learn to wait, thus, it builds our faith.

The common belief, it seems to me, is that you should do whatever you want (contrary to advice), then, rather than realize the consequences, pray for God to perform a miracle to extinguish those consequences. The thing is, God created the natural order of things and, so, would be acting against Himself by removing the cause-and-effect relationship for negative behaviors and their results that He had already set up.

Still, I think most people test for the existence of God by giving Him a trick to perform, and if He doesn't do well enough, they pretend to feel that they don't believe in Him, like children who hold their breath trying to force reactions from their mother. Some mothers may respond, not realizing the child can't actually hold their breath until they pass out, or by giving in to their cries for attention. If you think about it, the testers apparently do believe in God or else they wouldn't be waiting for a result.

I think God doesn't want to be their performing monkey. Instead, He wants to lead them to His way. He knows that they believe and He is waiting for them to submit to His leadership.

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