Monday, February 25, 2013

Songwriting Hobby

Songwriting Hobby

Mastery of Hit Song
1. Lyrics
2. Melody
3. Harmony
4. Integration of lyrics, melody, and harmony
5. Recording songs
6. Promoting songs

20130225 I want to keep writing songs, but I need to focus on what type so I can better decide which style which determines which instruments, etc. I think I'll make a pop song so all instruments are on the table. I'll still try to get Vocaloid for the vocals.

20130606 I'm tired of trying to deal with Vocaloid. I will choose to focus on composing songs in a pop style.

20130826 I should focus on songs in which the vocalist isn't a good singer and instrumentals. That is, songs in which I can talk (like rap), shout, or call cadence like in military formation.
1. Melody
a. Motif
b. X
c. Consequent
d. Line 2
e. Line 3: contrast
f. Line 4

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