Monday, February 25, 2013

Kita's Dream

Kita's Dream

Kita is our precious daughter. She's 26 years old and married to a great guy. She has a magnificent personality, but has a hard time doing ordinary things. I'm positive that she'll end up doing something great, but she'll need to conform long enough to get an education that will get her a job that will be stable and pay well. Then, she'll have the foundation to venture out to do something special.

So, she's working on a degree in nursing. She's had trouble with it before, but I thinks she's about to get back on it.

20130826 We'll, she's gotten back in.

20140512 Kita has completed her nursing classes and passed the school's final test. Praise the Lord. She did very well. Now, we're waiting for her to take the RN test in. June and get accepted into Texas Tech to start her BSN.

20140820 She's passed the nursing test. Now, she's officially an RN. Next, a BSN at UT Arlington. Then, a Master's in Nurse Practitioner (MNP?).

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