Monday, February 25, 2013

Talking Dog Project

The Talking Dog Project

1. Get the fence ready
2. Get the door ready
3. Get the dog
4. Train the dog to communicate
5. Train the dog to talk

I'd like to see if I can have conversations with a dog.

I remember a story of someone who taught a chimp named Koko to converse in sign language. I'd like to do the same with a dog, but since dogs don't have fingers (which a major part of communicating in sign language), I'll have to think about what the dog has to communicate with instead of fingers.

I think the best dog breed to get will be a pedigreed Border Collie. They seem to be bred toward intelligence. I realize that the link that I just gave is to a study that may not be focused on communication, so I'll need to read it better before I begin. Also, I was told an anecdotal story of a Border Collie that ran into a glass patio door. I'm not sure that that's valid sign of stupidity.

I've found a site where a fellow teaches dogs sign language. It's here.

It's been pointed out to me that the character in the movie Up did this project with his dog. That is, he put an electronic device on the dog that can read his thoughts and vocalize them. I don't know if I'll go that far, but I fear that the results will be the same as in the cartoon, he'll just ask for simple stuff all of the time, like "squirrel" and "ball." Also, rather than an EEG translator, I think the dog's vocalization will be enough, even if it sounds like Scooby Do.

We'll see.

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